Tell us a little about you!
I’m a local actor from Richmond, VA. This is my first time back on stage after a 4 year hiatus from acting. Aside from acting, I love to read and write, and I’m currently working on my debut novel! I’m a dog dad, educator, and actor.
Why did you want to be involved in this production?
I’m a huge fan of the horror genre and though The Addams Family is not what someone thinks of when they hear that, it still has had an impact on the genre. I have also been trying to push myself to get back onstage after my break, and this felt like the perfect opportunity to do so.
Who is your favorite Addams Family member and why?
Morticia, for sure. She always stood out to me as a character who knew exactly who she was and what she wanted.
How is this production bringing something new to the show?
GCT has a very small space, so adapting to that space is going to bring something new to this specific production. You often see this musical produced on a bigger stage, so seeing how we adapt to that will be really fun.
How is your character like you? How is he/she different?
Mal is so vastly different from me because he’s a man who isn’t confident in his life. He puts on this front to seem like this macho man for his family, but he secretly doesn’t know what he wants. I’m someone who is confident in what I have and I know what I want to do in life.
What do you love about your character?
His wit.
What do you hate about your character?
His personality.
This show is a comedy and has amazing one liners, but what is the funniest thing to happen during rehearsals off stage.
For me, I find the humor in not being able to hit musical notes on the first try.
If you were made to play “The Game” what would you disclose?
One time I wanted a bag of chips from the snack line at school, but I didn’t want to pay for it. I very obviously tried hide it by holding it under my lopsided tray. Yes, I got caught. Couldn’t play at recess for a month. Full Disclosure.
What is your favorite song to preform for this show, and why?
I LOVE Move Toward The Darkness. It’s such a beautiful way to close the show.
If you could play any other character in this show, who would it be?
What is your favorite line?
“Mom, Dad, I killed dinner.”
Who should come see this show?
Trick Question? Everyone should come see this show.
Who’s the funniest person in the cast in real life?
Who is most like their character in real life?
I don’t know most people in this cast, so I’m going to go ahead and say
What’s the biggest challenge about taking on this role?
Taking on the role of an older married gentleman is the most difficult aspect of this, I think. I have to think about what an older father would want of his son. What would he think about his son’s choice of girlfriend? How would he actually feel about the Addams Family? Trying to put myself in the shoes of someone older than myself is going to be an issue.
How would you describe this show in one word?
What will the audience be thinking about in the car as they drive home after this show?
“That was incredible!”
This is GCT’s first musical production. What was the first musical that you ever performed in and what was your role?
I was an Ensemble Member in Goochland High School’s production of Anything Goes. Shout out Neil Burch.
What is your favorite song from a musical to sing in the shower/car?
Right now, I’m really into The Outsiders. Justice for Tulsa is a REALLY good song from the cast recording.
Aside from this one, what is your favorite role you’ve ever played?
I played Lady Bracknell in The Importance of Being Earnest. That role was so fun to do from beginning to end. The audience’s reactions each night motivated me.
Aside from this one, what was the hardest role you have ever played and what made it so difficult?
My first lead role as CB in Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead. It was difficult to play teenage Charlie Brown because there’s no real base for him, I’m coming up with it on my own. That show ran for a month and was the first show I was in that was reviewed. That looming fear had me, lol.
If someone was going to make your life into a movie, who would play you?
Jack Black, but if I want to lie to myself I’m going to say Glen Powell.
When did you first perform?
If we’re counting actual first times, in 5th grade. But when I actually cared I was in that same production of Anything Goes.
Besides this one, what is your favorite stage show?
Too many to name, but right now I love The Inheritance and Bare: A Pop Opera.
When you have a five-minute break during rehearsal, how do you spend your time?
Either lay flat on my back, go to the bathroom, or play on my phone. Depends on the day.
What do you do when you are not doing theatre?
Writing or reading, not specifically in that order.
What is the last thing you do before you step out on stage?
Take a deep breath.
What is a show you hope to see GCT do in the future?
I hope to see us do Carrie one day.
What is your favorite Halloween costume ever?
Can’t go wrong with GhostFace.
What is your favorite Halloween candy?
Do candy apples count?
What is your favorite scary movie?
Currently, MaXXXine.
Tell us about your favorite memory from Halloween?
I can’t remember any, so that tells me that the best are yet to come.
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