Here in Goochland there are few actors whose talent compares to Dee Sims. She is a master on stage, truly transforming into the characters she plays. Not long ago we watched her play nearly every “A Christmas Carol” character in Goochland Community Theatre’s production of “A Christmas Carol… more or less”. For this production she takes on the “community matriarch” role of Clairee. Dee exudes class and confidence in this role. Dee is truly a talent that the Goochland community should be proud to call their own. You do not want to miss her performance!!
In rehearsals Dee is professional from beginning to end. She is always on point and comes in ready to work. It has been so much fun watching her and Kim work together, as their characters are best friends. The two of them perform this snarky, yet loving friendship so perfectly.
Tell us a little about you!
I am a Goochland resident, born and raised. I have been acting since middle school and still enjoy the thrill of being on stage.
What has the Steel Magnolias story meant to you?
Steel Magnolias has brought me out of darkness. It has reminded me that I have a gift that should be shared with the world no matter what others have told me.
What has been the most impact female relationship(s) in your life?
My mother has made an impact in my life. Although I have other women who help uplift on a day to day basis.
Why did you want to be involved in this production?
I’m a wife and mother of young children.
Who is most like their character in real life?
I believe Peggy is just like Mylnn in real life. I think she is very kind and sweet. Definitely a mother I would inspire to be.
How is this production bringing something new to the show?
We have a few ladies in this production that are not residents of Goochland. I think it’s nice to see new faces and talents here in the county.
Who is the least like their character in real life and makes the biggest transition for their
I believe I am nothing like my character Clairee in real life. She may be one of my alter egos that I hope to be but in real life I have no idea what it’s like to be that rich.
How is your character like you?
Clairee and I are a lot alike when it comes to humor. I also have a hard time being serious in a serious situation.
What do you love about your character?
I love how classy and fashionable Clairee is.
What’s the biggest challenge about taking on this role?
Learning Clairee’s humor and when she’s actually showing some emotions.
If you could play any other character in this show, who would it be?
Honestly I would love to play them all but if I had to choose it would be between M’ylnn and Truvy.
What will the audience be thinking about in the car as they drive home after this show?
I think everyone will be thinking wow I wonder what production they’ll be putting on next?
What is your favorite line?
My favorite line is ‘…but I assure you that my personal tragedy will not interfere with my ability to do good hair!’
Who should come see this show?
I think this is a good ladies night out to come soak up all the good gossip and laughs.
Aside from this one, what is your favorite role you’ve ever played?
My favorite role I have ever played was The Sour Kangaroo in Suessical the Musical
Aside from this one, what was the hardest role you have ever played and what made it so
My hardest role was playing the parrot in Virginia Repertory’s production of Stone Soup. The parrot was a puppet and I had absolutely no skills on holding a puppet correctly.
If someone was going to make your life into a movie, who would play you?
Taraji P. Henson would play me perfectly. The smiles, the tears and the grace would be Oscar award winning.
When did you first perform?
My first real performance was my high school performance in Into the Woods.
Besides this one, what is your favorite stage show?
So far my favorite stage show is The Lion King. Beautiful and magical.
When you have a five-minute break during rehearsal, how do you spend your time?
Usually going over blocking and the next scene.
Who’s the funniest person in the cast in real life?
I think Kim is hilarious in life. She brightens the room every time she walks in it.
What do you do when you are not doing theatre?
I enjoy crafting and church. As well as spending time with my family and planning for the future.
What is the last thing you do before you step out on stage?
I usually pray, take a deep breath and shake any jitters off.
Tickets to Steel Magnolias are on sale now and going fast! Purchase yours now by visiting our Ticket Page