Opening night for My Brother’s Gift is right around the corner! As we are hard at work with rehearsals we decided to take some time out to help all of you get to know our amazing cast and learn a little about this truly special show.
First up, Diana Bloom! She is new to GCT and we are completely blown away by her talent.

Diana received her BA in Theatre from the University of Mary Washington in 2021 and moved to Richmond shortly after graduation. Favorite past roles include Jenny in All The Fine Boys, Ronnette in Little Shop of Horrors, and an ensemble member in Merrily We Roll Along. This is her first show with GCT and she has enjoyed meeting and working with everyone! In her free time she enjoys crocheting, playing board games with her friends, and spending time with her family.
Tell us about your character:
Mutti is a loving and caring mother who would do anything for her family. She loves to read, and wants to raise her children to be as intelligent and well-rounded as possible.
How are you like your character?
My family means a lot to me, like Mutti’s family means a lot to her. I also enjoy reading and learning new things!
What are some ways your character differs from you?
I don’t have any children of my own like Mutti does, and I’m much younger than she is.
What is it like playing a real person?
It’s both exciting and intimidating! It’s very cool to think about the fact that I am playing someone who really existed, but at the same time I want to be sure that I am portraying her accurately.
What is your favorite scene? Why?
My favorite scene is the boat scene, even though I’m not in it! Everyone does such a great job in this scene, and I always crack up when I’m watching it during rehearsals.
What was the biggest challenge for you with this role?
This is the first role I’ve played where the character is much older than I am in real life. I’ve had to think a lot about how an older person might carry themselves and their body versus someone who is younger, and I’ve thought a lot about my own mother and her experiences when trying to relate to Mutti.
Aside from your own character, who is your favorite character in this production and why?
Eva! She’s just so fun, and Bryce does a great job at capturing her inner joy.
Why did you want to be involved in this production?
I haven’t worked on a show since I was in college and I was missing the magic and community that theatre provides.
Who in this show is most like their character in real life?
Oliver! He and Heinz are both very talented artists. I’ve really enjoyed seeing all the different sketches Oliver has created during rehearsals.
Who in this show is least like their character in real life?
Probably Dillon. He’s much less serious than Pappy is, and is not an artist in real life like Pappy.
Without giving anything away, what’s your favorite line of dialogue?
“She’s… problematical.”
Besides yourself, which actor in this production is going to blow people away?
Definitely Oliver and Bryce. They are both so talented and it’s not often you have two kids leading a serious show, and doing such a great job at it!
Do you have a fun memory from rehearsals?
Working with kids is always fun, they keep me laughing throughout rehearsal and I love hearing their stories from school. It makes me feel like a kid again!
What’s the last thing you do before you step out on stage?
Take a deep breath!
Besides this one, what production that you have been a part of is your favorite?
In college I was in Little Shop of Horrors which was so much fun! I also really enjoyed playing Jenny in All The Fine Boys.
What is a show you have always dreamed of doing?
Fun Home.
What sparked your love for theatre?
When I was around 5 years old my grandma used to take me to see our local children’s theatre productions which I enjoyed immensely. My parents found a youth theatre group for me to join when I was 7. As soon as I started performing I realized how much I loved it, and I haven’t stopped since!
What do you do when you are not doing theatre?
I love to crochet and create art, and swim in the river when the weather is nice. I also have a bearded dragon named Mango who I like to hang out with.