Tell us a little about you!
John Cichocki, 71, I taught middle and elementary school for 45 years. I have performed and directed numerous theatre productions around the Richmond area. I have one son, J.D.
Why did you want to be involved in this production?
I was cheated out of a chance to play Lurch because of Covid
Who is your favorite Addams Family member and why?
Lurch, an understated but an important featured character
How is your character like you?
I prefer to remain in the background, unassuming, until needed. Plus, he doesn’t dance lol
How is he/she different?
He doesn’t speak and I’ve been known to tell a good story or two
What do you love about your character?
No speaking, no dancing
If you were made to play “The Game” what would you disclose?
Two divorces
What is your favorite song to perform for this show, and why?
Move Toward the Darkness, because I’m in it
If you could play any other character in this show, who would it be?
Who should come see this show?
My friends from BLT
What’s the biggest challenge about taking on this role?
The drive
How would you describe this show in one word?
What will the audience be thinking about in the car as they drive home after this show?
What a great time they had
This is GCT’s first musical production. What was the first musical that you ever performed in and what was your role?
Carousel, Mr. Bascombe & chorus
What is your favorite song from a musical to sing in the shower/car?
Heaven on Their Minds
Aside from this one, what is your favorite role you’ve ever played?
Judas from JCS and Jean Valjean from Les Miserables
Aside from this one, what was the hardest role you have ever played and what made it so difficult?
Captain Hook in Pan, lots of lines to remember
When did you first perform?
1982 at Swift Creek Mill Playhouse
Besides this one, what is your favorite stage show?
Phantom of the Opera
When you have a five-minute break during rehearsal, how do you spend your time?
Going over my song
What do you do when you are not doing theatre?
Read, watch historical dramas, be a dad
What is the last thing you do before you step out on stage?
Deep breaths
What is a show you hope to see GCT do in the future?
Maybe a musical I can direct!
What is your favorite Halloween candy?
Pumpkins made from candy corn ingredients.
Tell us about your favorite memory from Halloween.
Taking my son trick or treating.
Tickets are selling quickly! Don’t forget to get yours! Purchase them here