The Laramie Project Interview – Dakota Jones

The Laramie Project Interview – Dakota Jones

Dakota is no stranger to GCT, having worked both on and off the stage serving as GCT’s Artistic and Events Director. He’s returning to the stage for The Laramie Project!

Dakota Jones is a local actor based in Richmond, VA. His previous credits include The Addams Family (Mal), Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead (CB), Twelfth Night (Sir Andrew), and The Importance of Being Earnest (Lady Bracknell) among others. When not on stage, he spends his days writing and educating the future of America. He thanks you for coming to support live and local theatre!

What’s challenging about bringing this script to life?

I think that because this was an actual story that happened, it’s really important to honor those that lived through all of it. It’s important to honor the actual words that were said. It’s also important to honor Matthew’s memory and do the story justice.

Why did you want to be involved in this production?

I was in a production of The Laramie Project back before COVID shut us down. The opportunity presented itself and I now get to do what should have been done 5 years ago.

Who should not come see this show?

Mainly people that can’t consider other people’s way of thinking. Nowadays, everyone is SUPPOSED to be entitled to one way of thinking. For example, you’re either for or against same-sex marriage. But that’s not always the case. People are complicated and have many different opinions. This show allows us to explore everyone’s thought processes on the incredible tragedy that was Matthew Shepard’s murder. If you’re not able to think outside of your own box, don’t show up.

As you play many characters, can you tell us which one is most like you and which one is least like you?  And why?

Jedadiah Schultz is most like me. He’s a peppy theatre kid who is still figuring things out. This is a given, but Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson are the least like me as they’re the murderers of Matthew Shepard.

If you could play any other character in this show, who would it be?

I would love to play Matt Galloway. He can talk the paint off the walls if he could. So can I.

What will the audience be thinking about in the car as they drive home after this show?

An array of thoughts, for one. They will be thinking about how impactful the show is. They will be making connections to how it is still relevant today. They will also be thinking about what they would have done if they were a resident of Laramie in 1998. What would they have done? What will they do now in the face of uncertainty for the LGBTQ+ community?

How is this production bringing something, if anything, new to this story?

I think the way Sydney is directing it is fresh and new. Seeing it play out like a documentary on stage is something I wish I would be able to view as an audience member.

Why should audiences be excited for this show? 

It’s new for Goochland. I think this is the most topical show we’ve ever taken on.

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