Kim is the amazing actor playing the iconic character of Ouiser in our production of Steel Magnolias. She fully embodies this character and transforms into the blunt, grouchy old woman generations of women have loved and connected with over the years. Her performance is not to be missed!!
During rehearsals Kim keeps us laughing both in and out of character. On a few occasions we have had to run over the same set of lines several times as actors completely lose it on stage reacting to one of her lines or watching her “perfectly Ouiser” facial expressions. Kim is an absolute joy to work with and we know the audience is going to love her as much as we do!
What has been the most impactful female relationship(s) in your life?
My mother Patti and my partner Angel.
Why did you want to be involved in this production?
This is in my top five favorite films, and as someone who watches a lot of movies, that’s saying
a lot. I’ve seen it maybe 15 times. A movie that conveys the connection and love between
friends, and had that star studded of a cast, how could I not love it? Being able to be a part of
this story’s legacy is a dream come true!
Who is most like their character in real life?
Peggy probably. When she’s playing M’Lynn that mom gene is so present in her performance!
What do you love about your character, Ouiser?
I love how blunt she is. I would trust her with any problem I have. She would tell it to me
straight! When it matters, she is right there to support you.
What’s the biggest challenge about taking on this role?
The age difference probably. I have to find in me the life experiences of someone who has seen
a lot more of life than I have.
What will the audience be thinking about in the car as they drive home after this show?
How precious life is and how important it is to keep your loved ones close! Also how much they
enjoyed seeing parts of their girlfriends in the characters.
What is your favorite line?
“I love you more than my luggage”
Who should come see this show?
Anyone who loves deeply and knows how important friends are in life.
If someone was going to make your life into a movie, who would play you?
Bette Midler
When did you first perform?
In my house, probably 2 years old, Out in the world? Probably sixth grade. I was in my school’s
production of School House Rock Jr. the Musical.
What do you do when you are not doing theatre?
Sew, sing, swim, hike, travel, hangout with friends, make jewelry.
What is the last thing you do before you step out on stage?
Find the silence and breathe.
Tickets to Steel Magnolias are on sale now and going fast! Purchase yours now by visiting our Ticket Page