Actor Interview – Oliver Alford

Opening night for My Brother’s Gift is tomorrow! These amazing actors have put so much hard work and love into this show. It is an absolute must see. Mark sure to purchase your tickets HERE.

Last but certainly not least in our actor interviews is Oliver. He plays Heinz, the brother of My Brother’s Gift. This is a very challenging role and Oliver shines.

How can I relate to my character?
I relate to Heinz because we both love art. We both love music and painting! 

What is my favorite scene and why?
My favorite scene is the boat scene in act 1. It is really fun to act and can be funny at times. Our rehearsals have made many good memories for this scene. 

What is it like playing a real person?
It is an honor to play such an important role. I love that I get to live in the shoes of Heinz while telling his story. 

Have I enjoyed working on a heavier play?
If I’m being honest, I do prefer light hearted plays more than heavier ones, but I got really excited when I got this part. It feels special to honor somes life through the arts. 

What is the biggest challenge for me and this role?
The biggest challenge, for me, is all the lines. This is the biggest role I’ve had and I have over 200 lines (including over 10 monologs). It has been very stressful trying to memorize all of my lines. 

What is my favorite character (other than mine) in this play?
I really like Herman! The only scene he is in, is the boat scene. His character is really silly. 

My favorite line of dialogue?
“Herman, you will not be so lucky. You WILL jump into the water.” 

Do I have a fun memory of rehearsal?
Yes, of course I do! The funniest memory I have is when I mispronounced the word fingers, and said “fingies”. Everyone laughed, including me. 

What is the last thing I do before going onstage?
I take a big deep breath and go through the first line through my head over and over. For me, this helps calm my nerves and gets my ready for my very first line of the scene.